Fundraising pack
Here you will find some more useful resources to help with your fundraising.
If you have already registered to receive a fundraising pack, then one should be on its way to you very soon. Below are some extra resources that you might find useful.
If you haven’t got a fundraising pack already but would like one, or if you would like to request more resources, please email and let us know.

Click the links below to download digital copies of the fundraising resources.
Fundraising leaflet
Download your fundraising leaflet here.
Seasonal fundraising ideas
Inspire your fundraising! Take a look at our seasonal cards below.
Fundraising poster
Be sure to let everyone around you know about your marvellous fundraising in aid of Hope for Tomorrow. Download, print and share this poster.
Risk assessment
Ensure your fundraising is as safe as possible and you have considered all risks. Here is an example risk assessment. You will need to complete your own for your event.
Sign up for news
Sign up for news so that we can share updates on our work and how your support is making a difference.