An opportunity to give something back
“I’ve been driving HGVs for 38 years, and now very proudly drive a Hope for Tomorrow mobile cancer care unit, after my younger brother was diagnosed with bladder cancer. We used to visit our nearest hospital together for his treatment, and this is when I came across a driver job advert for their mobile cancer care unit.
I feel very proud to drive a mobile cancer care unit, and I enjoy what I do. One of my main duties is welcoming patients onto the unit for their treatment. Once they are comfortable, I offer them a hot or cold drink and biscuits. I don’t forget the husbands, wives or carers who are sitting outside waiting in their cars either! They really enjoy this element of their visit, as it makes them feel at home.
Being a driver for Hope for Tomorrow is an opportunity for me to give some something back to the NHS for helping my brother.”
I feel very proud to drive a mobile cancer care unit, and I enjoy what I do.