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Patient experiences

Read about the difference that mobile cancer care makes to patients
Gary Cunnington

Gary Cunnington

I tease people when they ask where I’m having my treatment. I tell them it’s at Tesco – at the end of aisle 6!
Ian Smith

Ian Smith

It frees up space for more patients who really need hospital-based care
Mick Jones

Mick Jones

I honestly can’t fault it. The unit has basically changed my life
Peter Dixon

Peter Dixon

The fact that I can just pop down the road is brilliant
Susan Lucas

Susan Lucas

Using the unit means no more being held up in traffic and no more waiting to get my treatment
Adam Redgewell

Adam Redgewell

It’s a really relaxing way to have your treatment
Sheenagh Stapleton

Sheenagh Stapleton

It really is a wonderful service, I can’t say how much it’s changed my world
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Hope for Tomorrow
101 The Waterfront, Stonehouse Business Park,
Sperry Way, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, GL10 3UT

01666 505055

© 2023 Hope for Tomorrow. Registered charity no: 1094677.
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