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Patient experiences

Read about the difference that mobile cancer care makes to patients
Malcolm Parsons

Malcolm Parsons

It just feels like home really; comfortable chairs, they make you feel welcome and comfortable...
James Murphy

James Murphy

Without the Hope for Tomorrow mobile cancer care unit, life would be so much harder.
Cliff Gothorp

Cliff Gothorp

So much easier and less stressful
Keith Mitchell

Keith Mitchell

The bus is always very clean and well equipped, and as a major bonus the 'waiting times are negligible'.
Susan Powell

Susan Powell

It doesn't feel like I’m going to a hospital appointment
Fiona Wells

Fiona Wells

Now, instead of taking four hours, I’m in and out within half-an-hour
John Rendell

John Rendell

It's a lot less stressful to come here than it is to go into the hospital. You come here and you're treated immediately, more or less.
Beverley Quinn

Beverley Quinn

It was completely different and a lot quieter than a hospital environment, so I felt more relaxed
Gary Cunnington

Gary Cunnington

I tease people when they ask where I’m having my treatment. I tell them it’s at Tesco – at the end of aisle 6!
Ian Smith

Ian Smith

It frees up space for more patients who really need hospital-based care
Mick Jones

Mick Jones

I honestly can’t fault it. The unit has basically changed my life
Peter Dixon

Peter Dixon

The fact that I can just pop down the road is brilliant