Patient experiences
Read about the difference that mobile cancer care makes to patients

Kim Coote
Just like going to meet your friends.

Peter Whiteley
The nurses on the unit are all regulars so we get to know each other quite well, which is lovely.

Alex’s Story
I can’t imagine how many hours I’ve saved by using the mobile unit instead of travelling to hospital

Brenda Green
I’ll miss the unit, and I only hope more get to benefit from it like I have been able to.

Malcolm Parsons
It just feels like home really; comfortable chairs, they make you feel welcome and comfortable...

James Murphy
Without the Hope for Tomorrow mobile cancer care unit, life would be so much harder.

Cliff Gothorp
So much easier and less stressful

Keith Mitchell
The bus is always very clean and well equipped, and as a major bonus the 'waiting times are negligible'.

Susan Powell
It doesn't feel like I’m going to a hospital appointment

Fiona Wells
Now, instead of taking four hours, I’m in and out within half-an-hour

John Rendell
It's a lot less stressful to come here than it is to go into the hospital. You come here and you're treated immediately, more or less.

Beverley Quinn
It was completely different and a lot quieter than a hospital environment, so I felt more relaxed
Hope for Tomorrow
101 The Waterfront, Stonehouse Business Park,
Sperry Way, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, GL10 3UT
01666 505055
© 2023 Hope for Tomorrow. Registered charity no: 1094677.
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