Leave a gift in your will
Leave a gift in your will to help others
Leaving a gift in your will is an incredible way to help NHS cancer patients who are treated on our units. Like you, we know the toll that cancer can have on everyone affected by it.
A gift to Hope for Tomorrow will help us to provide mobile cancer care to more patients and look at new ways of delivering cancer services.
Your legacy will ensure the lives of people living with cancer aren’t dictated by their treatment, giving people more time with their loved ones.
Having a valid will means that what you own goes to the people and causes you care most about.
We understand your family, friends and loved ones come first, and rightly so. Once you have considered those you are closest to, perhaps you’ll consider leaving a gift to Hope for Tomorrow so that we can help cancer patients receive care closer to them when they need it most.
If you’re thinking about leaving a gift in your will, please get in touch on 01666 505055 or contact the team via info@hopefortomorrow.org.uk

How to leave a gift in your will
To make or change your will, we recommend you speak to a will writer or solicitor to ensure your wishes are carried out as you would like, but we’re always here to answer questions about leaving a gift to us.
Simply call us on 01666 505055 or email fundraising@hopefortomorrow.org.uk
Making or updating your will
You can leave a gift in your will in a way that suits you. When giving to charity there are three main options to consider:
1. Include a percentage of the remainder of your estate, known as the residue. After you have provided for family and friends, just a small percentage will make a huge difference. This type of gift won’t lose its value over time.
2. Nominate a percentage of your estate that you would like Hope for Tomorrow to receive. Like the above option, this gift will keep its value over time.
3. Choose to leave a specific amount of money, real estate, shares etc. to Hope for Tomorrow.
Here is some suggested wording you may wish to use:
“I give and bequeath…
- the whole (or…%) of the residue of my estate
- the whole (or …%) of my estate
- the sum of £(amount)
- details of a particular asset – such as shares or property
free of all charges to Hope for Tomorrow of 101 The Waterfront, Stonehouse Business Park, Sperry Way, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, GL10 3UT, registered charity number 1094677, absolutely for its general charitable purposes to use to deliver mobile cancer care. The official receipt of the Chief Executive or other authorised officer of the Trustee is an absolute discharge of my executors.”
Writing your will
There are a number of options to choose from when writing your will.
You can create your own legally binding will, free of charge with Kwil. They don’t charge a fee and ask you to consider leaving a gift to Hope for Tomorrow in your will. To get started with your online will, visit our page on Kwil’s website.
Alternatively you can find a local, qualified solicitor to help you write a will on Remember A Charity’s website.
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